Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tide de Sohnde (Today is Sunday)

By this my fifth day, I already have a few contenders for my favorite things. Huge barracudas, I’m talking three feet long, pulled straight from the sea and sold on the beach, top the list. I have witnessed their greatness but am too intimidated to buy one yet. I’m already plotting the massive feast I will cook for the friends, that I have yet to make but will. Another is homemade yogurt from the Lebanese run store down the street. It is tangy and creamy and makes the perfect breakfast sitting outside, where if you concentrate just enough you can conjure up the sense of a breeze. Lastly, I take great pleasure in seeing people’s immense ability to balance things on their heads. Objects range from stacks of eggs, to a table, to huge jugs of water that they effortlessly carry with grace. This talent seems to have no gender or age restrictions (I saw a small child balance a plastic container that must have been twice her size). I have never thought of myself as overly clumsy, that title I reserve for my friend Erin. So I held out hope that I too might have this power of perfect posture and be able to balance objects upon my head. Thus far, I am sad to report no such success (I am blaming my parents for what I consider an obnoxiously, round head). I am not deterred and hope to channel some of the Sierra Leonean talent and hone my skills during my stay. I will keep you all posted.
Pictures are from my walk to the beach today. Hundreds of boys spanned the 5K beach playing soccer. How I yearned to jump in and play!


  1. You must tell me how barracudas taste.

    Imagining Erin balance anything on her head is hysterical but I wish u lots of luck. Yogurt and fish makes me yearn for some now.

    This is looking and sounding a lot like India, btw... Guess there aren't many differences in Third World countries.

  2. I will perfect my head balancing while you are away and challenge you to a walk off! ha!

  3. Pretty warmness though... ahhh :)
