Saturday, January 30, 2010

A lek de bich! (I like the beach)

It is hard to describe how stunningly beautiful the beaches are here so instead you can look at pictures. Even these can't begin to capture the true magnificence but it the best I can do. I spent a lovely Saturday reading on the beach, rejuvenating in the cool water (hard to believe this is the same Atlantic, it is a wonderful, sparkly blue-green color here) and eating perhaps the most delicious barracuda I have ever had. OK, I should admit that this is only my second taste of barracuda, but it was mouth wateringly delicious!


  1. I need to see a photo of this yummy barracuda dish to believe it!

  2. hi Becca - Thanks for doing your blog. We love checking to how you are doing...

    It is suppose to snow tomorrow. Enjoy the heat. Rick and Laura

  3. I want delicious barracuda too!
