Thursday, January 21, 2010

Safe and sound

Well, I am here. That says a lot. After more than 10 hours in London my plane finally took off, then we missed the landing and had to try for a second time. I made it past customs without paying the requested bribe and onto the helicopter. Mind-numbingly loud, packed in like sardines the bumpy ride began (Mom, you would have hated that part). Seven minutes later, I arrived but found no one waiting. Luckily, a nice Scottish guy offered me a ride. As it turned out he is friends with my supervisor, it’s a small world after all or at least a small ex-pat community here. Finally at 3:30am, 28 hours after I left Boston, I was home in Sierra Leone.

On first impression, Freetown is very hot and very loud I manage to sweat without moving and when I finish bucket bathing I am unsure if I’m still wet from the water or from sweat. To my great horror, I was told that now is considered the “cool” season, damn New England blood. Even the food is hot. So far I have eaten cassava leaves for lunch and dinner. They are deliciously spicy making your mouth burn and making you sweat more. Cars honk, dogs bark and music blares all day and all night. The noise is surprisingly soothing and rather fun to listen to in bed.

I love it. It is so different from anyplace I have been and anything that I imagined. Everyone has been welcoming and wonderful and the work is fascinating!


  1. Such fun to chat with you on Skype! Glad things worked out well - glad I didn't know they weren't going as planned at the time!!! Love you, Mom

  2. Sounds just like India or any third world place to me! Is it wildly dusty too?
    Glad U reached safely and wishing u many fun adventures!
